IMPORT EXPORT CODE is also known as IC or IE Code in kunnamkulam. Now, the question arises, why import export code is needed? Answer is Import Export Code is needed in order to export or import goods. Directorate General of foreign trade, Ministry of Commerce and industries, Government of kunnamkulam issued the Import Export Code in kunnamkulam. Import Export Code in kunnamkulam does not require any renewal once you get it, so you can this Import Export code throughout. All the required documents should be submitted to the DGFT, once you submitted all the documents to the DGFT, then DGFT will issue the Import Export Code within 7-10 working days.
⦁ IE Code in kunnamkulam is issued for the whole lifetime of the organization Importers require IMPORT EXPORT Code in kunnamkulam
⦁ IE Code in kunnamkulam is issued for the whole lifetime of the organization
⦁ All exporters require IE Code registration in kunnamkulam for exporting their goods outside kunnamkulam
⦁ No return filing is needed once the IE Code registration in kunnamkulam is issued